Monday, July 12, 2004

Intro and assorted nonsense.

You know, I had a delightfully clever way to kick off this little weblog. Blog, as the kids are calling it these days. Amd no, that wasn't it. Oi, three sentences in, and this is already going downhill.

I was never very good at meeting new people, you know? That, in part, was because I was never very good at telling stories. Sometimes I stutter a bit, or talk to fast or too quietly. My wit, I like to think, is sharp -- but sometimes a bit too slow. You know how sometimes you think of something really clever to say about a topic like twenty minutes after a conversation is over? That's usually where I'm at.

Not as bad as I used to be, but I still have trouble believing that people really care about what I think or do. Probably because I really don't care about a lot that people have to say. My girlfriend, Vicki, is constantly on my case about giving her one word answers to questions of comments that she makes. One of her good friends says that I respond to everything with an uninterested laugh. The more I think about it, I guess its less disinterest and more the fact that some thoughts just don't need to be expanded upon. Some comments and questions just don't trigger anything worth mention. So if you know me, or meet me, and I seem aloof or disinterested -- worry not, you're not boring or inane. I suppose I am.

Vicki is always on my case about that sort of talk, too. "I suppose", "I guess." Maybe I'm weird, but I'm almost never 100% sure of anything. Even if I'm 99.9% sure of something, I'll say "That sounds right," or "I'm pretty sure." In my mind, there are no absolutes, no black and whites. I often don't even trust my own memory. It's a sort of comfortable uncertainty. Of course, it is difficult for people to trust what you say when you don't completely trust yourself.


So let me bring you up to speed on my life as quickly as possible. I'm a 22-year old college drop-out. Well, I flunked, actually, but I tell everyone that I withdrew for money reasons. I went to SUNY Geneseo, and I still live right near the college. Though they kicked me out, my life still revolves around the place. My girlfriend and a lot of my friends are here, and that's what's important to me.

I work at a for a private landscaping company called "Doing It All Enterprises." Sounds like an escort service, I know. It's a bit of a change of scenery, as I'm generally a big computer dork. My previous job was a tech-support gig at the school. Now that was a great job. Anyways, landscaping isn't so bad -- its like getting paid to work out. 'Cause honestly, I'm lazy, and there's no way I'd make time for working out otherwise.

I currently live with Vicki and my good friend, Ryan. My life has been pretty banal lately. Working, living paycheck to paycheck, wasting too much time and money on games. I've been learning to play the guitar from Ryan, who is a stellar guitarist. There's some more interesting and scandalous stuff, but I can't share that just yet. If you keep reading, you'll see that I'm pretty candid. Pretty much the only time I won't be 100% honest is when someone elses privacy is at stake.

I started this blog because I was thinking a lot and not writing at all. I wanted to have an outlet for my thinking and a place to practice my writing. Expect equal parts boring day-to-day journal, introspective ramblings, media reviews and random curiousities. There'll probably be a rant or three along the way, too. Comments and prompts are welcome and encouraged.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't that the way things go? You decide to do something, and then forget about it for a while? Or you just can't figure out what to say? I'll be checking back every so often to see if there's anything new. Sounds like it could be a good read, if there is.

10:24 PM  
Blogger Kultcher said...

Time flies, sadly, and I haven't been as good about updating this thing as I had hoped I'd be. Half the time I start thinking about something, then it sounds stupid when I write it down, or it runs on too long and I get tired or bored or frustrated. The next update will be more timely, I hope.


1:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Time _does_ fly. And I know the feeling of starting something that you think is a great idea... and then not really keeping up with it. But I wouldn't worry too much about "sounding stupid." 'blogs are supposed to be for thoughts, not picture-perfect masterpieces of prose. You say you started this to practice writing, and that's great, but if you stop writing something because it sounds stupid, then it won't get written.

What I'm trying to say is "It doesn't matter if it sounds stupid, as long as it accomplishes some of your goals."

11:03 AM  
Blogger Kultcher said...

Yeah, I am trying not to worry too much about what I'm talking about and just go with a more stream-of-consciousness kind of writing. That's how I like to write anyways, like on a personal level like I'm just having a pleasant conversation with the reader.


4:05 PM  

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