Thursday, June 02, 2005

Because I don't feel like doing real work...

Jesus Christ, the time flies.

I can scarcely belive it's been a month since I've last updated this thing. I guess I fail at life. Again.

As usual, it's not like I've been doing anything important that kept me from blogging... but I guess that's part of the problem. But that's a half-truth at best, because when have I ever really talked about actually doing something?

Honestly not much has happened in this past month. My interest in Magic: The Gathering has been rekinlded. I've been playing a lot of Magic: Online lately, practicing up for who-knows-what. I always half-joke about getting on the Pro Tour (especially with the new Pro Players Club), but I've become much more serious about it of late. Many people tend to see the game as a geeky distraction at best, satanic at the worst, but how could anyone scoff at being paid thousands to travel the world and play a game? I should probably focus my efforts on poker instead (it's easier and more profitable), but what can I say? I love the game.

In other news, Vicki came up for about 10 days total this month. Not really much to say about it -- we always have a blast together. We've been dating for four years, but some days it feels like four months. We left the "honeymoon phase" a while back when we lived together, but now that we're apart it seems to be back in full swing. I eventually conned/guilted her into going to see Star Wars Episode 3 with me (she doesn't like sci-fi or fantasy, so things like that have always been a hard sell with her). She apparently liked it enough to want to see the original trilogy, so I picked up the boxed set (I figured that I'd end up buying it eventually, anyway). She said that maybe she had always been a geek, and just had no one to bring it out of her. So there's still hope. ;) I've been trying to convince her to play World of Warcraft -- she played it once and enjoyed it moderately, but she's been resistant... so far.

One more tidbit before I move on to the bulk of this post (this is a trick, I haven't decided what the "bulk of this post" will consist of). The new Nine Inch Nails album is lovely. Well, that's a bit of a misnomer, it's dark and gritty and mechanical like any other NIN album. That's why I love it. Trent, even though he's pushing 40, can still channel angst better than any modern "emo" band. When I looked at the tracklist for the first time, the song named "Every Day Is Exactly the Same" made me smile. The lyrics are classic Trent Reznor -- always pushing it one step further than you'd expect. Like this bit from "Only": "Well, I am alone / but then again I always was / as far back as I can tell / I guess maybe it's because / because you were never really real to begin with / I just made you up to hurt myself." The standout track is the last track on the album, "Right Where It Belongs" which is reminiscent of "Hurt" from the Downward Spiral. It's got a great little piano part over a rough electronic grind, it's really just beautifully composed. "With Teeth" isn't Trent's greatest work, but it doesn't disappoint at all.

Right, so... bulk of the post... bulk of the post. I've got three major things on my mind at this moment. First is race. I recently had a great discussion about race and reparations on the World of Warcraft forums (of all places) that I wanted to talk about. Second, relationships. I've been thinking about how my relationship with Vicki has been, at times, a path to self-discovery. Like sometimes, we'll fight about something and in order to get to the bottom of a given problem, I usually have to do some soul-searching that just wouldn't get done otherwise. The last thing is that my cousin and good friend, Chris, has been recalled to the army and will likely be going to Iraq. So I want to talk about that, and also about Chris' brother, Joel. The two of them are an interesting dichotomy.

That should give me enough fuel to write a few more posts... which is exactly what I'll be doing. Next time, I'll pick one of those topics and go to town. See, I told you it was a trick.


Blogger Gill said...

Speak to us of World of Warcraft!
from a fellow addict.

2:25 AM  

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